Three women gathered around
Iowa Profile

Iowa Profile

The Iowa Profile serves as a comprehensive data resource, offering policymakers and community leaders valuable insights about housing, public health, safety,  transportation, and demographics in Iowa.

IEDA - This is the Statistics Title

This is where the text appears in the description section. You can uncheck the "Hide Title" box if you don't want the title to appear.


That is the number of numerical character limits you can add (12,345,678)


That is the number of characters you can add within this details row of the statistics.


That is the number of items you can add to this Statistics Micro-content

IEDA - This is the Title section of the Callout

This is where the text for the description will go within the link for the visual link collection list.

This is the callout micro-content with the title hidden which was done by checking the "Hide Title" box that is underneath the title section. The character limit for the callout micro-content is 500.

Sample IFA Dashboard

Iowa Profile – Regional Dashboards

Select dashboard type and geographic region to explore dashboards and compare regions. Please follow the instructions below.

Sample IFA Dashboard

Iowa Profile – Regional Dashboards

Select dashboard type and geographic region to explore dashboards and compare regions. Please follow the instructions below.

Join us in Iowa - Interactive Map

Join us in Iowa - Interactive Map

Try this interactive map to learn about your new region and demographics, economy, housing, and quality of life


The first of its kind tool provides customized reports and enables comparisons with other regions, empowering changemakers in community and economic development to make informed decisions based on regularly updated data from diverse sources. The tool provides essential information for designing effective programs and resources to foster opportunities for Iowans, communities and businesses to thrive.

Wordcloud Promo

Wordcloud Promo

The first of its kind tool provides customized reports and enables comparisons with other regions, empowering changemakers in community and economic development to make informed decisions based on reg